A blog about life and the quest for understanding

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Top 10 Best Fast Food restaurants in America

I have had the good fortune to be able to travel the country for my job. This traveling gives me perspective on many things. One of the things that I get asked about the most is food. People approach me and ask for recommendations for cities that they will be visiting. So, I thought that I would put together my list of the ten best fast food places in America.

Disclaimer: These are only my opinions. Past history is no guarantee of future success. Your actual results may vary. Not licensed by, or affiliated with Major League Baseball.

My Top 10 Fast Food Joints in America.

1. The Varsity- Atlanta GA.

 The Big Daddy of them all, The Varsity was founded in 1928 and has kept Atlanta stocked with Chili Burgers, slaw dogs and Orange Whips ever sense. Located just minutes from the Georgia Tech campus, The Varsity is packed to its rafters on Saturdays during the football season ("Have your money out and your food on your mind, and I'll getcha to the game on time!"). Then again, it’s packed every day. But be forewarned, before you step up to one of the dozens of registers. You better know what you want and make it snappy, because you’ll hear “What’ll you have, what’ll you have” being barked at you by the cashiers as you walk up. Linger too long, and you’ll hear “Next”.

      2. Hollis Burger- Hollis, Queens, NY

Hollis Burger is in the heart of Hollis, Queens, One of the Hip Hop capitals of the world. When you walk into Hollis Burger, that point is made abundantly clear by the Hip Hop memorabilia that is hung on the walls and ceiling. Owned by a close friend of the band Run DMC, Hollis Burger is known for their unbelievable hand pattied burgers, each one cooked to order. They make the best burger that I have ever encountered, but don’t ask for a Coke because they don’t have any. However, they can hook you up with some purple drink made in five gallon containers on site.

 They take some time to cook, so look around, check out the autographed shoes and photos, and talk to the staff. I was the only white boy within four miles when I went there and the staff kept me entertained by inviting me into the kitchen. They showed me their process on making the burgers and steaming the buns. They also busted my balls a bit laughing and telling me “White Boy must sure need a burger.”

3. The Papaya King- New York, NY

Nearly 80 old, The Papaya King is one of those quintessential New York experiences. Started as a juice store, The Papaya King nearly went out of business until they started selling hot dogs to German- American immigrants and the rest as they say….is history.

4. Belle Isle Seafood- Boston, MA

 Only two words need to be said here; Lobster Roll. Spectacular in its simplicity, the lobster roll at Belle Isle is a life changing experience, Belle Isle may not be an upscale place and you’ll probably wonder if you’re doing the right thing by walking in. Please do, this menu was blessed by the seafood gods and fit for Poseidon himself, the lobster roll, however is better left to us mere mortals.

5. Tony Luke's- Philadelphia, PA

 Philadelphia is known for their cheese steaks and Tony Luke’s is no exception. What sets Tony’s place apart is their service and the fact is an actual sit down restaurant. Tony Luke is a restaurateur, actor and musician. He is also one scary looking dude and when he comes to your table to chat, be on your toes. He may just sit down and tell you his life’s story. He did with me and I am glad to have had the experience.

6. Pink's Hot Dogs- Hollywood, CA

Quite simply Pink’s is Hollywood. Started in 1939, Pink’s has been handing some of the best hot dogs in the world out of its walk up windows to movie stars, tourists and area workers ever since.

The place is always busy and you will wait, but the good news is that you may be waiting standing next to Andy Garcia or Jimmy Kimmel.

 7. Hot Doug's Encased Meat Emporium.- Chicago, IL

 If there is such a thing as a gourmet hot dog, Hot Doug’s has it. Hot Doug’s has quite simply the best hot dogs known to man. Located off the beaten path, the only reason that you would come to this neighborhood restaurant would be to seek out a nirvana inducing encased meat experience. Plan ahead and give yourself extra time, the lines are long. You’ll wait thirty minutes to get in the door and ten more waiting to get to the counter, but don’t give up….Heaven is just around that corner.

8. The Falafel Drive In- San Jose, CA

 I know what you’re thinking… falafel? Yes…. falafel. The Falafel Drive In is not a place that will catch your eye as you drive by. It will not suck you in with neon signs or blinking lights, because they have none. Nor do they have many other niceties that you might expect in a modern restaurant. Small tables create cramped quarters, but when you taste their falafel….you forget to care.

9. Nathan's Famous- Coney Island, NY

 Nathan’s began in 1916 when Nathan Handwerker began selling his hot dogs for a nickel on Coney Island. Many years later Nathan’s truly is famous for their hot dogs and the hot dog eating contest that is held on Coney Island every July 4th. I put a dent into a few but could not come close to the eating contest record of 68 which truly is too much of a good thing.

10. In-N-Out Burger- Gilroy, CA

 As the only chain restaurant on the list, the experience of eating at an In-N-Out burger is like no other. As you stand in lines twenty deep you have to send a member of your party out to try and snag a table, especially if you want a choice outside spot. The wait is miserable but the food is worth it or should I say the hamburgers are. When your number is finally called you get handed beautifully cooked burgers, wrapped in paper to keep the juicy burgers from dripping down your chin. Heaven on a bun in the sunshine…. Just can’t beat it.   

    There it is.... my list. Sometimes I can be right, sometimes wrong and sometimes I am completely  full of shit. So, make your own list, but make sure and send me your favorites.

Anybody have any insight on a great taco joint in Boise? C'mon, hook a brother up.